8 Sculpting Exercises to Tone and Shape Your Glutes

Tone and Shape Your Glutes With These 8 Butt Sculpting Exercises

Get ready to kick your own butt into gear! Grab your FeetUp Trainer (and a set of resistance bands) and check out these 8 great exercises that shape and tone your glutes.
hardcore exercises for hard core strength

Hardcore Exercises for Hard Core Strength

Building healthy core strength is a marathon, not a sprint. Big thanks to James Fowler for sharing his favorite FeetUp Trainer core strength exercises!
5 Leg Day Exercises for Strength and Mobility

5 Leg Day Exercises for Strength and Mobility

Make every day Leg Day with the FeetUp Trainer! Here are 5 fun exercises to build more lower body strength & balance in your fitness practice. 
Reinventing the Wheel: 5 FeetUp Exercises for Healthy Backbends

Reinventing the Wheel: 5 FeetUp Exercises for Healthy Backbends

Healthy backbends require more than flexibility and balance. Reinvent your wheel pose with these 5 dynamic FeetUp exercises for more comfort, space, and control in spinal extensions.
FeetUp Core: 4 Exercises for Strength & Control

FeetUp Core: 4 Exercises for Strength & Control

Want to move with more balance and stability? Activate and engage your core like never before with these four fun FeetUp exercises! 
Chair Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Utkatasana

Chair Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Utkatasana

Chair Pose (utkatasana) is a standing balance that builds leg strength and shoulder flexibility. Do you like to pretend to sit in a chair without having a chair to actually sit in? Grab your FeetUp Trainer and let's go!
FeetUp Flow: Core Strength and Inversions with Jelena

FeetUp Flow: Core Strength and Inversions with Jelena

Learn how to use the FeetUp Trainer to develop dynamic core strength to support your inversion practice with Jelena Lieberbeg of KickAssYoga.de!