5 Leg Day Exercises for Strength and Mobility

5 Leg Day Exercises for Strength and Mobility

Make every day Leg Day with the FeetUp Trainer! Here are 5 fun exercises to build more lower body strength & balance in your fitness practice. 
Reinventing the Wheel: 5 FeetUp Exercises for Healthy Backbends

Reinventing the Wheel: 5 FeetUp Exercises for Healthy Backbends

Healthy backbends require more than flexibility and balance. Reinvent your wheel pose with these 5 dynamic FeetUp exercises for more comfort, space, and control in spinal extensions.
Backdrop Walkover Progressions with the FeetUp Trainer

Backdrop Walkover Progressions with the FeetUp Trainer

Ready to explore full range of motion while upside down? Here are some progressions to help you master the Rolling Backdrop Walkover with your FeetUp Trainer.
Chair Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Utkatasana

Chair Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Utkatasana

Chair Pose (utkatasana) is a standing balance that builds leg strength and shoulder flexibility. Do you like to pretend to sit in a chair without having a chair to actually sit in? Grab your FeetUp Trainer and let's go!